LA NAVAL is a shipyard with more than 100 years history that since 2006 is 100% private owned. LA NAVAL main shareholders are industrial companies involved in the shipbuilding and shipping business that, since their entrance in the company have showed their strong commitment.
LA NAVAL has been always dedicated to the design and construction of high added value special vessels.
In the 90's we built Shuttle Tankers, Oil and Product Tankers y Chemical Tankers
Beginning of 2000 we started the design and construction of LNG Tankers. Between 2000 and 2007 three 138.000m3 LNG Tankers were design and built in LA NAVAL.
Since 2000 we started the design and building of Suction Dredgers, segment in which LA NAVAL is one of the world leaders , that together with the special vessels for the Offshore Oil & Gas, Offshore Wind and with the RoPax-Ferry vessels are the products in which LA NAVAL focuses its strategy.
The commitment of LA NAVAL and its employees with the strict fulfilment of the obligations with the Clients and the flexibility to manage the most complexTaylor-made projects make our Company a world reference as well as the best election for the design and building of your most sophisticated vessels.
The Commitment of our people with a young and experienced staff which has been appointed in the most relevant positions in the company and the Flexibility to adapt to new projects and different type of special operation of the vessels. And flexibility to adapt ourselves and understand the clients' requirements during the project execution
LA NAVAL has a technical office with strong capacities which is differential in the market and that has the capacity ready for the co-operation with other external offices and main key suppliers.
We have an important Suppliers and Subcontractors network that allows us to execute our projects in a reliable way in terms of Cost, Delivery Time, Safety and Quality.
This is supported by a very important industrial fabric in the Basque Country and its very large tradition of shipbuilding.
We have a strong financial position as can be deduced from our last Annual Accounts and that gives LA NAVAL the necessary solvency towards the Banks and other financial institutions to obtain the resources needed to execute our projects and fulfill our commitments.